Our three service areas form a cycle. Each cycle produces an Experience. Each successful Experience is one step closer to business transformation.
AMIGO's Experience Management service helps you identify, prioritise and specify Experiences. It is project and product management for your Experience delivery pipeline.
AMIGO's Experiment Management service helps you build the business case for change through rigorous analysis and reporting.
AMIGO delivers Experiences using our Platform’s extensive library of modules. These enable us to work on top of our clients’ existing infrastructure at speed, at low-cost and with minimal risk.
Find out more about the PlatformAMIGO's Run services provide unparalleled flexibility and risk minimisation.
Experiences can be served to different segments and geographies, in different languages, and rolled out and rolled back with ease. Risk is minimised through automated and human live testing, along with bot attack detection and analytical data monitoring and filtering.
Find out more about the Platform